Sunday, November 27, 2011

My books are my treasures :)))

" ... full of information and inspiring ideas for anyone with a creative spirit" 
 - Paul Smith  

Ever since I was a child I have found it hard to trow things away. I  suppose that hoarding is a part of who I am. "It may come in handy one day" is a philosophy that i have always lived by.As one adult nothing has changed. Every corner cupboard and drawer is filled to the brim with bits of fabric, buttons, old shoes, old fashion postcards and any other object d' art that I may  deem a precious commodity. This may seem a little over the top to most people, but there is a modicum of method in my madness. 

So i decided from my unnecessary stuff  to make something necessary. And I bought all kinds of books in order to learn something more about fashion. These are just one of the books that I would recommend  you  if you are part of the fashion and also if you are not. 

- Ralph Waldo Emesson  

  1. Alexander McQueen 
  2. The little dictionary of fashion Christian Dior 
  3. The Carrie Diaries  Candace Bushnel 
  4. Elle The 1980s 
  5. Whitney Port 
  6. DIY Fashion 

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