“If I could tell
you what it meant, there would be no point in dancing it”
Isadora Duncan
Unplanned outs for
me are almost always the best ones. So, two
nights ago, after the summer holidays my friends and I gathered for dinner and few drinks at one of the local lounge
bars, which I must admit, reminded me of the scene from the series Sex
and the City (which I did not really
like at all), and then we were headed to a completely unplanned
salsa evening. My outfit was not suitable for such event, but that fact did not stop to
enjoy the Latin rhythms. Latin
dance is in a way, my greatest love - even
more than fashion, and there is nothing in the world that could stop me to dance.
It's been a long time since I was a contestant, but
not a day goes by when I don’t bring out some
of the old choreography at home in front of the mirror. I think in the future I
will often visit the places where such events are organized.
In this post I have a long skirt that I wore in one of the previous posts in one of the daytime versions, but this time I combined the blouse with open back, and as I added a rosary necklace as a detail I got the set for the evening out.
Do you go to salsa nights? My advice is that if you have never been, try to relax from time to time and enjoy Latin music. If you live in Belgrade, there are plenty of places where such events are organized, visit them.
In this post I have a long skirt that I wore in one of the previous posts in one of the daytime versions, but this time I combined the blouse with open back, and as I added a rosary necklace as a detail I got the set for the evening out.
Do you go to salsa nights? My advice is that if you have never been, try to relax from time to time and enjoy Latin music. If you live in Belgrade, there are plenty of places where such events are organized, visit them.
Greetings from Dubai Xxx
„Da znam da vam objasnim ne bih plesala“
Izadora Dankan
Neplanirani provodi za mene su skoro po pravilu i najbolji.
Tako smo se pre dve večeri, nakon godišnjih odmora moje prijateljice i ja okupile
na večeri i piću u jednom od ovdašnjih lounge-barova, što me je moram priznati podsetilo
na scene iz serije Sex and the City (koju ja nisam baš nešto volela), da bismo
se potpuno neplanski zaputile na veče salse. Moja odevna kombinacija nije bila
prikladna za takav izlazak, ali me ta činjenica ipak nije sprečila da uživam u
latino ritmovima. Latino ples je inače, moja najveća ljubav - čak veća i od mode
i ne postoji ništa na svetu što bi me moglo sprečiti da zaigram. Prošlo je
dosta vremena od kako nisam takmičar, ali ne prođe dan da u kući ispred
ogledala ne izvedem neku od starih koreografija. Mislim da ću u narednom
periodu češće posećivati mesta na kojima su organizovana ovakva dešavanja.
U ovom postu imam dugačku suknju koju sam nosila u
jednom od prethodnih u dnevnoj varijanti, ali ovaj put sam je kombinovala s
bluzom otvorenih leđa, a kao detalj sam dodala ogrlicu brojanicu i dobila
izgled za večernji izlazak.
Da li i vi posećujete salsa večeri? Moj savet vam je
da, ako nikada niste bili, obavezno probate da se opustite i s vremena na vreme
uživate u latino muzici. Ukoliko živite u Beogradu, u poslednje vreme ima dosta mesta na kojima
se organizuju ovakva dešavanja, posetite ih.
Pozz iz Dubaija Xxx
I wore:
Skirt - Zara
Blouse - Vero Moda
Bag - LV
Bracelet and ring - Cartier Love
Ring - CD