Cartier polo cup...
Is one of the most prestigious events here in Dubai. Thanks to my friend who was formerly a professional player my friend Maja and I have been present.
I saw a lot of stylish people and people from fashion.
One of my favorite outfits from that event had my friend Maja, you can see her in the photos.
Skirt from Zara that she is wearing we both bought the same one day before and that was funny situation.We have so many similar or the same clothes and not the first time for us to buy the same thing, hehe.
Recently, Zara is one of my favorite brands. I'm surprised how many interesting pieces of clothing you can find there for every occasion.
In this post you can see me in a slightly different way than in previous posts. Hope you will like it ... Xxx
Cartier polo kup...
Je jedan od prestiznijih dogadjaja ovde u Dubaiu. Zahvaljujuci mom drugu koji je ranije i sam bio profesionalan igrac, moja drugarica i ja nismo propustile ovaj dogadjaj.
Raznorazna zanimljiva lica mozete sresti na takvom skupu, a najvise iz modnog sveta.
Svi su doterani i nose interesantne kombinacije. Ali ipak meni najinteresantiniji spoj tog dana je imala moja drugarica Maja, koju mozete videti sa mnom na slikama.
Suknju iz Zare koju Maja ima na sebi imam i ja. Dan pre ovog kupa bile smo u Zari i ne znajuci obe smo se uhvatile za istu stvar. A to nam nije pri put hehe.
U poslednje vreme Zara je medju mojim favoritima. Za svaku priliku mozete pronaci neki dobar komad odece.
U ovom postu me mozete videti u malo drugacijem stilu nego do sada. Nadam se da ce vam se svideti ... Xxx
- Shirt: Zara
- Jacket: Mango
- Pants: Zara
- Sunglasses: Chanel
- Bag: Hermes